Hi!, here I share this resource, it is the theory of the systems by Urie Bronfenbrenner, a very famous sociologist. It is a resource of Pinterest and it is very clear and understandable, I hope that you find it useful.

Jean Piaget: stages of cognitive development

Here I share this resource of Pinterest. It is the theory of stages of cognitive by Jean Piaget, a very famous child psychologist. It is explained stage by stage and I hope that you find it useful.

The Glossary!


The glossary from englishland1

Here I share the glossary with the definitions of the theories about language acquisition and learning. I hope you enjoy it!

Here I share this song called "the itsy bitsy spider" a nursery rhyme classic, and which we used in class to do the oral exam, I hope that enjoy it!


Here I share this classic nursery rhyme called "twinkle twinkle little star". It can be use to sing when children go to sleep, I hope that enjoy it!


Here I share a few pictures of last year halloween, it was a really funny day!


There´s a hole in my bucket dear liza

Hi, here you got this great son called there´s a hole in my bucket, i think that this song it´s very interesting because the children can learn a lot of new vocabulary, it´s very funny, catchy and the children can learn it easily. I hope that you like it!!